Workforce Development Youth Program Request for Proposals 2024
Local Area 10
Workforce Development Youth Program
Program Year: July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
One year extension may be awarded, for up to 3 additional years
Funding Requests should not exceed $365,131.00
Fiscal Agent: Richland County Job and Family Service
171 Park Avenue East Mansfield, Ohio 44902
Deadline for proposal submission is April 1, 2024 at 4pm (emailed to
Request for Proposals
Local Area 10 Workforce Development Youth Program Section I—General Information
- Purpose
This Request for Proposals is an effort to seek qualified providers of youth workforce development services for Richland and Crawford counties. Emphasis will be placed on the provision of seamless youth services through coordination and collaboration with existing providers of youth services, educators, OhioMeansJobs Centers and employers in the area.
The Local Area #10 Workforce Development Board is soliciting proposals that will provide youth with opportunities for career exploration, work readiness activities, life skills development, work-based learning activities, and internships, while helping youth reduce risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol use and involvement with the court system. Applicants need to be aware that Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) funds utilized to support Local Area Workforce Development youth services are essential but limited resources. To aid in the development of a comprehensive youth program, applicants must demonstrate how additional funds will be accessed to allow for increased flexibility.
Funding for the Local Area Workforce Development Youth program will not exceed
$363,131 for the contract year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025. Contracts will be for a one-year period with the option of extending contracts for an additional three one-year extensions at the discretion of the Local Area 10 Workforce Development Board and will be contingent upon funding availability and performance.
- Background
The Workforce Investment Act was established in 1998 through an act of Congress.
The intent of the act was to bring cohesiveness to the nation’s workforce efforts. The primary focus of the effort was the development of One Stop Customer Service Centers to localize and streamline services to job seekers and employers. In addition to operating One Stop Customer Service Centers, designated areas were mandated to provide adult, dislocated worker, and youth services.
Throughout the authorization of WIA, the Local Area 10 Workforce Investment Board, comprised of representatives from local business, education, and various community agencies, has been responsible for developing and monitoring a comprehensive workforce development system that meets the needs of the local area. The Local Area 10 Workforce Investment Board has operated under the auspices of a Board of
Governors which is comprised of the Crawford and Richland County Commissioners. Additionally, the Local Area 10 Workforce Investment Board has adhered to policies and guidance set forth by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.
As the entity responsible for developing and maintaining the local workforce development system, the Local Area 10 Workforce Investment Board has been committed to ensuring youth reach their optimum potential through academic, employment, and leadership activities.
In July 2014, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law, replacing the previous federal workforce services initiative WIA. Key principles built into the new law include streamlining services (simplifying and expanding one- stop delivery services), simplifying individual access to services, increasing local accountability to meet employment related measures, and improving services to youth.
WIOA Youth Services in Ohio are provided under the umbrella of the Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP) that is funded with both WIOA and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds. Therefore, in addition to WIOA rules and regulations, a respondent’s youth activities will also be subject to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services’ rules for the Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Programs as issued under Ohio Revised Code
(ORC) as well as the individual county CCMEP Plans as developed by the “CCMEP Lead Agency” in each county.
The Lead Agency for the CCMEP identified by the Chief Elected Officials within Area #10 are:
- Richland County Job and Family Services (Richland County)
- Crawford County Job and Family Services (Crawford County)
- The Workforce Board passed a resolution on January 19, 2021 to allow Crawford County Job and Family Services to provide the following services within Crawford
- Outreach
- WIOA Youth Program eligibility determinations
- Completion of CCMEP comprehensive assessment
- Completion of CCMEP individual opportunity plan
- Case Management
- Development and management of individual training accounts (ITA) and on- the-job training (OJT)
- Provision of labor market information and labor exchange activities, including but not limited to, resume development and job placement
- Supportive Services
- Follow up services
The remaining activities and program services and/or elements will be competitively procured.
Additionally, the selected respondent(s) will be expected to coordinate WIOA- funded youth activities along with any other entity(ies) that may be providing CCMEP youth services utilizing TANF funding.
3.RFP Schedule, Applicant Assistance and Contract Award Schedule
- RFP Schedule
Request for Proposals Released February 7, 2024 at 8am
Technical Assistance Conference February 15, 2024 at 1:00pm
Letters of Intent Due February 22, 2024 by 4pm
Deadline for Written Questions March 8, 2024 by 4pm
Proposal Submission Deadline April 1, 2024 by 4pm
Proposal Review April 2-12, 2024
Oral Presentations (if necessary) April 15, 2024
WDB Meeting/Approval April 17, 2024
Notification of Awards No later than April 26, 2024
Protest Period April 29, 2021-May 17, 2024
Contract Negotiations May 22-24, 2024
Funding Period July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Note: Except for the proposal submission deadline, all other dates are subject to change.
- Letter of Intent
Any applicant who plans to submit a response to this RFP is required to send a Letter of Intent by email by February 22, 2024. Area 10 Workforce Development Board will notify a potential applicant of changes in this solicitation only if a Letter of Intent is on file for the applicant. The Letter of Intent should not exceed one typed page and must state:
The organization’s name
Mailing address and e-mail address if applicable Telephone number
A statement of interest to apply for WIOA Youth funding Name, title, and original signature of the person submitting the Letter of Intent for the organization (must be an authorizing representative)
Letters of Intent are due by email on February 22, 2024 4pm to Clint Knight,
- Applicant Assistance
A virtual Technical Assistance Conference will be provided on February 15th at 1:00pm via Microsoft Teams. The bidder will be required to register by noon on February 12th, 2024 to receive the link.
The conference will provide an overview of the parameters set forth in the Request for Proposals and will offer potential bidders the opportunity to ask questions.
Technical Assistance materials shared during the conference, questions submitted during the Technical Assistance Conference and open question period (referenced above) and responses to questions will be posted on the Area 10 Workforce Board website at
Applicants who contact an employee of Richland County Job and Family Services/OhioMeansJobs Richland County or Crawford County Job and Family Services/OhioMeansJobs Crawford County or contact a member of the Local Area 10 Workforce Development Board seeking information regarding the RFP, other than as detailed above, risk elimination from consideration. All questions must be directed to Teresa Alt via the website or by email at as outlined above to ensure fair and open competitive process.
- Addenda to this Request for Proposals
At the discretion of Area 10 Workforce Development Board, if it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, a written addendum will be issued. The written addendum will be considered the only valid means to alter the RFP. A written addendum will be provided to all applicants who submit a Letter of Intent.
- Vendor Responsibility for Proposal Costs
The applicant will be fully responsible for all proposal development and submission costs. Area 10 Workforce Development Board assumes no contractual or financial obligation as a result of the issuance of this RFP, the preparation and submission of a proposal by an applicant, the evaluation of an accepted proposal, or the selection of finalists.
- Confidentiality and Ownership of Proposals
All proposals and associated materials become the property of the Local Area 10 Workforce Development Board or the property of the local administrative entity under WIOA. The content of all proposals and associated materials will be held confidential to the full extent permitted public agencies under Ohio law until an award of contract is made. Upon notification of an award of a contract, all proposals are considered public records and, as such, are subject to public records laws.
- Proposal Submission
The Proposal will be submitted electronically by email to on April 1, 2024 by 4pm.
- Proposal Acceptance/Rejection
Area 10 Workforce Development Board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to accept or reject any or all of the items in the proposal, to waive any informality in the proposals received, and to award the contract in whole or in part if it is deemed to be in the best interest of Local Area 10. Area 10 Workforce Development Board reserves the right to seek clarification from any applicant after proposals are reviewed, if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of Local Area 10.
- Appeal Process
Each applicant will receive written notice of approval or denial of the submitted proposal.
Pursuant to 29 CFR, Subtitle A, 97.36, grantees and sub grantees of federal funds (i.e. WIOA) are required to have written procedures to resolve disputes related to procurement procedures. Pursuant to 29 CFR, Subtitle A, 95.41, local areas act as the responsible authority without recourse to the Department of Labor.
All appeal requests must be submitted in writing within ten working days of the complainant’s receipt of notification of the Youth Services grant award. Written appeal requests are to be submitted to the Director of the Local Area 10 Workforce Development Administrative Entity:
Clint Knight, WDB Director 55 N. Mulberry St. Mansfield, OH 44902
Within ten working days of receipt of an appeal request (via email or hand- delivery), the Administrative Entity will contact the complainant to schedule a meeting at a mutually agreed upon date and time to resolve the dispute informally. If the issue cannot be resolved at the “informal” stage, the Director of the
Administrative Entity will proceed to the “formal” stage of the appeal process.
If the parties involved cannot reach a mutual agreement at the informal meeting, the Director of the Administrative Entity will have up to five working days from the date of the informal meeting to designate one to three impartial designees to preside over the formal review process. The impartial designee(s) may schedule a meeting with the complainant and pertinent staff of the Administrative Entity to review statements of facts or may request the written statements of facts from the complainant and Administrative Entity are forwarded for review. The statement of facts must include the reason(s) for the appeal, cite the regulation(s) upon which the appeal is based, and provide relevant supporting documentation.
The designee(s) shall make a decision and render the decision in writing to the complainant and the Director of the Administrative Entity within a time frame not to exceed twenty (20) working days of the initial date of receipt of the request for an appeal. The decision shall include, but not be limited to, a statement of the action that was appealed, citation and summarization of applicable laws that support the facts established and the outcome of each issue addressed in the appeal.
The appeal review decision rendered will be final. When the appeal decision has been rendered in writing, the Workforce Development Board Administrative Entity will promptly implement the decision.
If a complainant wishes to withdraw a request for an appeal, written notification must be submitted to the Director of the Administrative Entity within ten working days of the initial notice of the request for appeal.
- Contract and Award Funding Available
Final selection of the successful applicant(s) will be made no later than April 17, 2024. The selected applicant(s) will be notified no later than April 26, 2024 with contract negotiations to begin immediately. The contracted youth program will commence on July 1, 2024. Local Area 10 Workforce Development Board, reserves the right to award additional contracts for programs deemed to be beneficial to the WIOA Youth Services program. Funding being made available is one-time only funding. However, the contract may be renewed for an additional year at the discretion of the Local Area 10 Workforce Development Board. The contract may be supported by WIOA funds in conjunction with other federal, state, and local funds such as TANF. Funding being made available will not exceed $363,131.00 and is contingent upon the availability of federal WIOA and TANF funds
- Right to Cancel
Area 10 Workforce Development Board reserves the right to cancel all or any part of this RFP at any time without prior notice. In addition, the WDB reserves the right to modify the proposal process, funding level, program design and elements, and timeline if it is deemed necessary.
- Proposal Qualifications and Evaluation Criteria
- Qualification Requirements
Applicants may be governmental units, private for profit or non-profit agencies, corporations or local educational agencies.
The following agencies and organizations are encouraged to respond:
- agencies or organizations that can demonstrate a history of working with youth;
- agencies or organizations that can demonstrate fiscal independence (have multiple funding sources and are not solely dependent upon WIOA or TANF funds);
- agencies or organizations that can demonstrate a willingness to collaborate with other community youth service providers; and
- agencies or organizations that can provide staff coverage in the local area OhioMeansJobs Centers.
- Evaluation Criteria and Rating System
All proposals submitted in response to this RFP will be reviewed by a committee. Only those proposals submitted on time and which meet the initial review criteria (WIOA Youth RFP 2024 Checklist) as outlined in this RFP will be reviewed by the committee and evaluated. The committee will review and evaluate each proposal based on the following criteria.
- The minimum standards to be met if the proposal is to be evaluated (initial review):
- The proposal was submitted before the closing time and
- The applicant organization/agency is not on a Federal Debarment
- All required program elements are present for youth being
- The applicant organization/agency is fiscally
- The applicant organization/agency is not solely dependent on WIOA or TANF funding for ongoing operations.
- The individual signing the proposal and assurances has the authority to do so.
- The applicant organization/agency agrees to meet all federal, state and local compliance requirements.
- If the proposal meets the above minimum criteria, the proposal will be evaluated. Those proposals passing the initial review will be scored with a possible 100 The total possible points for each section are listed in the table below
Evaluation Factors |
Points |
A. |
Organizational Qualifications & Experience |
20 pts. |
B. |
Program Elements/Implementation Plan |
30 pts. |
C. |
Program Outcomes & Deliverables |
20 pts. |
D. |
Financial Accountability |
30 pts. |
The financial review of each proposal will take into account the cost per deliverables and the reasonableness of the budget based on the program elements. Program elements and implementation, including methods for tracking data and results, and the reasonableness of the budget will serve as significant factors in determining the selection of the successful applicant.
Applicants may be asked to provide oral presentations to the review committee if committee members deem it necessary. If necessary, oral presentations will take place on April 15, 2024.
- Contract Terms
Area 10 Workforce Development Board will negotiate a contract with the successful applicant(s). Standard contract terms utilized by Richland County Job and Family Services in accordance with OAC 5101:9-04-07 will form the basis for contractual negotiations. This RFP and the applicant’s response shall become part of the contractual agreement between Area 10 Workforce Development Board and the Applicant. Area 10 WDB is not responsible for oversights in this RFP which are not brought to the attention of WDB prior to starting contract negotiations. Contract terms required by the applicant must
be included or attached to the applicant’s proposal.
- Only cost reimbursement contracts will be
- Profit is allowable. Profit earned by a non-profit or governmental agency is considered program income and must be applied to the project operations. For-profit applicants must identify the amount of profit expected from the project.
- Administrative costs are negotiable. Under no circumstances will administrative costs exceed 10% of the proposed budget.
- At least 75% of funds must be used for out-of-school
- At least 20% of non-administrative (program) funds must be used for work experience expenditures (including participant wages, staff costs related to the development and management of work experiences, etc.)
- No more than 20-40% of the budget shall be used to cover operating and indirect costs.
- No equipment may be purchased with these
- Contracts will be subject to announced and unannounced monitoring by Workforce Development Board, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, and the Office of the Auditor of the State of Ohio.
- All subcontracts proposed under this project must adhere to the Richland County procurement process (Policy is on the website under the grants panel) and require prior approval from Area 10 Workforce Development Board.
- Assurances must be signed by an authorizing representative and submitted with the proposal.
- Area 10 WDB staff will authorize eligibility of all participants prior to enrollment in the WIOA Youth Program.
- Invoices will be submitted to Richland County Job and Family Services as the fiscal agent each month and within five (5) working days of the month for which services have been rendered. The Contractor shall make all reasonable efforts to include all services provided during the service month on the invoice. Richland County Job and Family Services will review the invoice for completeness and accuracy and make payment within 45 days of receipt of an accurate invoice.
- An invoice that contains errors, incorrect rates or non-covered services is subject to adjustment prior to issuance of The final invoice for services must be received within three months of the end of the contract period to insure payment.
- Richland County Job and Family Services as the fiscal agent of the Workforce Development Board will make payment for all invoices received in accordance with the terms of the Richland County
- Job and Family Services will only pay for those services authorized. The contractor will indicate the contract number and federal I.D. number on all invoices submitted for payment. A Roster of Clients Served in the service month must be attached to the monthly
- All contractors will be required to maintain files for each participant that include documents verifying eligibility, assessments, individual services provided, case notes, and any other documents deemed necessary to verify eligibility, services provided, etc. Contractors must provide bi- monthly progress reports on local, short-term goals to Area 10 WDB.
- Required fiscal reports include the following—monthly expense report, final expense report, final accrual worksheet.
- Contract renewal will be based on the availability of funds and will be at the discretion of the Local Area 10 Workforce Development Board.
Richland County Job and Family Services and Area 10 Workforce Development Board shall ensure that all purchases of services, supplies, and equipment funded by state or federal funds received from the Ohio department of job and family services (ODJFS) meet applicable federal and state statutes, regulations, rules, and office of management and budget (OMB) circulars A-102 and A- 133 and 2 C.F.R. 225 200 and 45 C.F.R. 75, as in effect December 19, 2014. These requirements include, but are not limited to, Chapter 125. of the Revised Code, this chapter, and:
- 29 F.R. 95 when not-for-profit organizations expend department of labor (DOL) funds;
- 29 F.R. 97 when governments expend DOL funds;
Section II—WIOA Youth Program Design Features
1.0 Program Design Features
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 specifically outlines the parameters of the youth program. The following is an excerpt from the Act, Section 129(a) (1) (A) and (B):
“provide an objective assessment of the academic levels, skill levels, and service needs of each participant, which assessment shall include a review of basic skills, occupational skills, prior work experience, employability, interests, aptitudes (including interests and aptitudes for nontraditional jobs), supportive service needs, and developmental needs of such participant, for the purpose of identifying appropriate services and career pathways for participants. . . develop service strategies for each participant that are directly linked to 1 or more of the indicators of performance . . . and that shall identify career pathways that include education and employment goals (including, in appropriate circumstances, nontraditional employment), appropriate achievement objectives,
and appropriate services for the participant. . .”
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act describes the framework for a comprehensive youth development system which includes program design features. In Section 129(c) (2) of the Act, the program elements which are to be incorporated into the WIOA youth program are identified as the following:
- tutoring, study skills training, instruction, and evidence-based dropout prevention and recovery strategies that lead to completion of the requirements for a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent (including a recognized certificate of attendance or similar document for individuals with disabilities) or for a recognized postsecondary credential
- alternative secondary school services, or dropout recovery services, as appropriate;
- paid and unpaid work experiences that have as a component academic and occupational education, which may include summer employment opportunities and other employment opportunities available throughout the school year; pre- apprenticeship programs; internships and job shadowing; and on-the-job training opportunities;
- occupational skill training, which shall include priority of consideration for training programs that lead to recognized postsecondary credentials that are aligned with in- demand industry sectors or occupations in the local area involved, if the local board determines that the programs meet quality criteria;
- education offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster;
- leadership development opportunities, which may include community service and peer- centered activities encouraging responsibility and other positive social and civic behaviors, as appropriate;
- supportive services;
- adult mentoring for the period of participation and a subsequent period, for a total of not less than 12 months;
- follow up services for not less than 12 months after the completion of participation, as appropriate;
- comprehensive guidance and counseling, which may include drug and alcohol abuse counseling and referral, as appropriate;
- financial literacy education;
- entrepreneurial skills training;
- services that provide labor market and employment information about in- demand industry sectors or occupations available in the local area, such as career awareness, career counseling, and career exploration services; and
- activities that help youth prepare for and transition to postsecondary education and training.
- WIOA Youth Eligibility
Under the guidelines of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, youth programs are required to focus on disadvantaged youth who meet specific eligibility requirements. The Act identifies disadvantaged youth as in-school youth and out-of- school youth meeting specific criteria and identifies each as such:
“Out-of-School Youth”:
- not attending any school (as defined under State law);
- not younger than age 16 or older than age 24; and one or more of the following:
- a school dropout;
- a youth who is within the age of compulsory school attendance, but has not attended school for at least the most recent complete school year calendar quarter;
- a recipient of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent who is a low-income individual and is basic skills deficient or an English language learner;
- an individual who is subject to the juvenile or adult justice system;
- a homeless individual/homeless child or youth (as defined in section 41403(6) of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 or as defined in section 725(2) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act), a runaway, a youth in foster care or who has aged out of the foster care system, or a child/youth eligible for assistance under section 477 of the Social Security Act, or a child/youth in an out-of-home placement;
- an individual who is pregnant or parenting;
- a youth who is an individual with a disability; or
- a low-income individual who requires additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or to secure or hold
“In-School Youth”:
- attending school (as defined by State law);
- not younger than age 14 or (unless an individual with a disability who is attending school under State law) older than age 21;
- a low income individual; and one or more of the following:
- basic skills deficient;
- an English language learner;
- an offender;
- a homeless individual/homeless child or youth (as defined in section 41403(6) of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 or as defined in section 725(2) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act), a runaway, a youth in foster care or who has aged out of the foster care system, or a child/youth eligible for assistance under section 477 of the Social Security Act, or a child/youth in an out-of-home placement;
- pregnant or parenting;
- a youth who is an individual with a disability; or
- an individual who requires additional assistance to complete an educational program or to secure or hold
Note: Interpretation of WIOA youth eligibility requirements and program design elements may be subject to change upon issuance of federal regulations and guidance and state guidance and policies.
Section III—Model Services
- Provision of Services (Program Elements/Implementation Plan)
Effective Workforce Development Youth programs are programs that will incorporate intensive case management, career exploration and readiness, and career pathways (academic and occupational) that prepare youth to be responsible and productive individuals in the community. Applicants should describe programs and services that incorporate all the program design elements identified in Section II while demonstrating an understanding of how appropriate services impact the lives of in- school and out-of-school youth as defined in Section II.
Successful In-School models will focus on secondary credential attainment while preparing youth for post-secondary education, occupational skills training or employment. In-School youth attending high school will be exposed to industry- specific career exploration activities with dual enrollment in occupational skills training, internships, and/or work experiences while meeting their educational requirements.
Successful Out-of-School models will focus on work readiness preparation, academic instruction (pursuit of a recognized high school or equivalency credential), and industry-specific occupational skills training. Based upon assessment results, out-of- school youth will be placed in “tracks” that move youth along in a consistent, structured pathway. Out-of-School youth pursuing a GED will move through a career pathway that combines GEDinstruction/preparation
with occupational skills training and/or work experience. If an Out-of-School youth working on a GED is interested in post-secondary education, the focus of services should
be directed at helping the youth achieve the goal of entering a post-secondary program. Out-of-School youth who have attained a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent who have no immediate interest in postsecondary education should be involved in work readiness activities (to include short-term occupational skills training) to prepare the youth for work experience placements, leading to unsubsidized employment.
Work experience is a critical component of WIOA youth programming. At least 20% of the WIOA program funds (non-administrative funds) must be expended on work experiences. This includes participant wages as well as staffing costs related to the development and management of work experiences.
- Program Elements and Implementation
All proposals must be comprehensive, demonstrating how the organization will develop and implement a program in which all the required program elements are available. This may be accomplished solely by the applicant or in conjunction with other service providers through subcontracts with the applicant.
All applicants must outline services and activities to be made available to the youth. Timetables for each service or activity and identification of staff responsible for the service or activity must be included. If services are offered in conjunction with a partner or another agency or business, this must be indicated as well. The Program Elements/Implementation Plan must include follow up services for youth who have been exited from the program. Follow up services must be provided for no less than 12 months after exit from the program.
All applications to execute services must include a description of how the program will coordinate with the local OhioMeansJobs Centers. Additionally, the applicant should describe how the applicant plans to work with the current contracted provider to transition youth from the current provider’s program to the program being proposed by the applicant (if applicable).
- Outcome & Performance Expectations Performance measures under WIOA include the following:
Placement in Employment/Education/Training 2nd quarter after exit |
64.7% |
Retention in Employment/Education/Training 4th quarter after exit |
76.3% |
Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after exit |
$3184 |
Credential Attainment |
36.7% |
Measurable Skills Gain |
73.7% |
See CCMEP Performance Measures attachments
The successful applicant will be responsible for tracking services and outcomes in the state information management system (OWCMS or new system in development).
Staff of the Youth Service provider will be required to complete OWCMS training within three months of the commencement of the Local Workforce Development Youth Program (to be developed in cooperation with the Local Workforce Development administrative entity).
The successful applicant must identify assessment instruments to be used and must demonstrate how assessment data will be tracked. Assessment instruments identified should address primary objectives by assisting the service provider in identifying youth risky behaviors and employment readiness factors and should lend themselves to pre- and post-assessment opportunities to ensure aggregate data can be tracked.
- Qualifications for Staff Serving the Youth
At a minimum, all staff working with the youth as case managers, teachers, job developers, job coaches (etc.) must have at least an associate degree in social work, psychology, business, education, or a related field or it must be noted how an individual is working toward the qualification. The proposal must include job descriptions for all positions in the organization affiliated with youth programming. Additionally, resumes are required for all organization personnel affiliated with youth programming.
Section IV—Instructions for Applying /Proposal Components
- Submission of Proposals
For consideration, an applicant must submit a comprehensive response to this RFP which meets the minimum requirements included in Section IV of this RFP. In order to evaluate all proposals on an equal and timely basis, all applicants are required to respond to this RFP exactly as outlined in this section (Section IV).
- Proposal Format
The proposal must contain the following components as described below. Any additional information determined to be relevant must be provided as an appendix and so marked.
- Cover Sheet – Must be completed and signed by an authorizing representative
- Proposal Narrative - Provide a narrative which completely describes the following elements: Limit narrative to twenty five (25) pages (12 point font, double spaced).
- Description of Organizational Experience and Qualifications (20 Points):
- Describe the organization’s past experience in dealing with youth and demonstrated performance (include past performance in WIOA, if applicable)
- Describe the organization’s ability to measure performance outcomes
- Briefly describe the organization’s mission and/or vision
- Description of Organizational Experience and Qualifications (20 Points):
- Provide a summary of agency personnel—qualifications and ability to perform the required services
- Include job descriptions for all positions in the organization affiliated with youth programming; include resumes for all personnel affiliated with youth programming; include a table of organization
- Describe the organization’s ability to collaborate and coordinate with other organizations in large scale projects or services. Provide three examples of programs or projects in which the organization collaborated with another organization
- Description of Program Elements/Implementation Plan (30 Points):
- Describe the population to be served (target youth and eligibility)
- Describe how the core components or required elements will be provided; describe creative or innovative service strategies that will be implemented (demonstrate knowledge of best practices or evidence-based practices) include copies or descriptions of the assessment tools to be used, individual service plans, etc.
- Describe how services will be coordinated if the organization applying is partnering with another entity or entities (via subcontract) to provide the required elements; describe how businesses will be recruited for work experiences (include the names of potential businesses to be recruited or identify potential business sectors to be recruited)
- Describe how and where services will be provided (to address the transportation barriers of the target population); include proposed schedules/calendars of events and locations for events
- Describe how the organization will ensure service coordination with existing youth providers in the community (include the names of the agencies)
- Describe how the organization will coordinate with and outstation services in the local area OhioMeansJobs Centers
- Describe follow up services for youth who have been exited (follow up services must be offered for no less than 12 months)
- Program Outcomes and Deliverables (20 Points):
- Develop a plan for service levels and deliverables that includes the numbers to be served and the numbers to complete and/or exit services; include a list of services to be provided—include a timetable indicating a reasonable schedule of accomplishments and target dates to implement services; provide an explanation of wages/incentives/stipends offered to youth; include how and when assessments will be administered
- Describe the strategies to be implemented to insure federal and state performance standards and local objectives will be achieved; describe the methods to be used to measure and track success in addressing the primary objectives outlined in Section III (3.0); describe how monthly reports will be submitted
- Financial Accountability (30 Points):
- Describe the agency’s accounting Describe the agency’s internal control system (including fiscal tracking, information gathering and reporting, and performance tracking)
- Provide a budget narrative detailing the program budget and line item amounts (include a rationale for each line item amount)
- Provide a description of additional resources being committed to support the program (cost allocation plan); include amounts and sources of additional resources.
- Include a detailed budget which is realistic for the services being proposed; administrative costs must not exceed 10% of the budget and operating and indirect costs must not exceed 20-40% of the budget; at least 20% of program funds (non- administrative funds) must be used for work experience; include costs associated with follow up activities; a minimum of 75% of WIOA youth funds must be spent on services for out of school youth.
- Provide a cost per participant amount and the methodology used to determine that amount
Additional Documents
Attachment – Provision of Services Matrix Attachment – Cover Sheet
Attachment – Budget Worksheet
Attachment –Area 10 WIOA Performance Standards Attachment – WIOA RFP 2024 Checklist Attachment – WIOA Youth RFP 2024 Evaluation
- Additional information that may be helpful- see website for attachments
- CCMEP Plan Crawford
- CCMEP Plan Richland
Provision of Services Matrix
<td widt
In School Youth |
Out-of-School Youth |
Total New Registrations |
In School |
Out-of-School |
Total Received Diploma/Credential |
Secondary School Diploma |
Equivalent Diploma (GED) |
Other Credential |
Total Work Experience |
Subsidized Summer Employment |
Internships/Job Shadowing |
Pre-Apprenticeship |
Other/unsubsidized |
< We are excited to build connections between local job seekers and employers. Join us today, as we continue to assist our local community. Contact our Board Director, Clint Knight, for Board membership information.
Copyright © 2025 Area 10 Workforce Development Board. All rights reserved.